Friday, January 26, 2007

Wow! It's Friday !

Such a loooong week's over now! Yeah, actually, this new job rarely annoyed me, except being just slow, which was worse than being hectic for me..... well, it might be only a problem of time or the way of thinking, but anyway, I still am blaming myself of being lazy..... not just because I haven't "studied" enough, but been satisfied by my work. I know I am just a temporary staff and that's the main reason I decided to take this job, but no expectation is too much for me to lose my motivation some extent..... ok, now it's time I changed my way of putting and controlling value on my work.

Well... when it comes to people in my office, everybody is so professional....... they are working on the first wave of product development. I cannot help but admire the tireless work of them. In addition to that, they commands some languages, mainly French very well. I realised that it must be one of the big secrets to have our own way and pursue personal interests, if men want to master other language..... Anyway I am looking forward to encounter or find mine.

I'll be in Nagano again this weekend, and...... will get ready to learn more next week!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My jobs in Japan

Well.... while I neglected to update this blog, I had some small changes in my life.

Last Friday was my final day in Saudi Arabian company. I believe that this painful(!) clerical/secretarial job would be my significant work experience later on. I am quite not sure that this kind of career would be the most appropriate for me, but at least I learned much and I could contribute to that project to some extent. Anyway...... no more Arabic for a while, please!!

And it was too hasty, but I started to work again from this Monday. Luckily enough, I got a new short-term job in French company. My boss is very smart Japanese woman who speaks French very fluently. There are some French expats and a very elegant madam is working behind me. Her French sounds so nice for me because this is the first time for me to spend in French environment except short trips to France. Moreover, my boss uses French in her work, so I am exposed to French surroundings I know it's only just a little little thing, but thinking about going to Canada, I must admit I am super lucky to have this job as a preparatory exercise.

Ok, all I have to do is just taking it easy and studying French and English!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

a half glass of water

When I see a half glass of water, I might find it "wow! Only half left!!", not "still half of water is remaining." I am the sort of person who tends to look underside most of time. That is one of my weak points that I've wanted to overcome.

My new agent did quick work to arrange a job interview, I had one in Tokyo this early afternoon. Actually I had no chice but accept decent offer at the moment, but the company that I visited today looks good for me.

I've got to work for bossy boss tomorrow..... well, let's keep my fingers crossed for good news!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

NZ Reunion

Gee, it's almost Sunday.

After getting back to work, could be because of my boss' something like an arrogant, imprudent attitude, I completely lost motivation for work there. I know I should have more professionalism, but if so, I wouldn't be myself anymore. It might be nicey-nice way of me to conceal my real feeling and play our expected role, but... whatever, I decided to take some days off and start to prepare for next job.

Today, on Saturday, I visited my friend's new flat. She just moved from Osaka and settled down to Tokyo. I already mada an appointment to meet another boy who came back from NZ today, so inviting other friend, we held a kind of reunion at her place.

Before we met in Sugamo, so called "granma and grampa's HARAJUKU", we'd been to Okubo, Korean town in Tokyo. To my amaze, it's very like Seoul ! ---- in terms of people, atomosphere, smell, sound.....and so on! We got some Korean food and mada Korean Kimuchi-hot pod and pancake(Chijimi), and most of food was so nice that we completely forgot about time.... I mada 100% charred pancake!!! Haha!

Whatever, I've got refreshed and motivated !! Thanks, mate!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Came back to a real life!

I came back from a dream lazy world to a real one. I totally forgot how to get on train and work in the office, because of these 11days off! Actually I was stupid enough to open emails of work, and made myself ... depressed by snapping myself back to reality.

Whatever, 2 more weeks to go!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Snowed a loooot!

I woke up to find out that this cottage was coverd in clean, soft white blanket of snow. It was so chilly outside, but my doggys were overjoyed by digging into unknown white thing.


Mom came back all the way from Tokyo in this snowy day, but she and her friends were too powerful for me to follow with. (Especially, they drank like fish!)

Whatever, it would be nice to think...... that it was enjoyable day!

Friday, January 05, 2007

My goals for 2007

A happy new year !

I am still in the small cottage in Tateshina, Nagano with my doggy.
Here is so quiet, but today's sky is nothing but blue. Clear and fresh.

I've just started to put myself togather again and made my goals for 2007 .

  • KEEP real life alive, being even more adventurous!
  • SMILE as much as possible and have strength that is strong enough to be tender and kinder.
  • BE intelligent in my behavior and exert every effort I can.
  • FIND MY WAY I can feel a real sense of fulfillment.

What are your goals for 2007?