Saturday, April 14, 2007

Farm ladies

Well, here my house is located in a very high place..... so just a few glass of wine were good enough to make me drunken! Hahaha! Yes, it could be said Oyo is drunken. Anyway, though I had many things to write on, as time passed other new things happen.... that's the way, ha???

I'm having very enjoyable days here in rural area, Nagano. Sometimes I go shopping, sometimes I go out with my doggies, and sometimes...... I do Wwoofing!

In fact, this small village is so old and small, that as with always the case with Japanese traditional... oooops, to say exactly, with a depopulated village, mainly manpower here are of ... the elderly persons'.

But their energy is more than we imagine. What makes me surprise is... their rich wisdom. My mon is such an instant farmer that she does know very little .... yes! we need helps from our landlady, who is one of the greatest women in this village. She knows almost everything about this small, but old village, and her experience as a farmer is ...... beyond description!! She knows who are key persons in this village, when is the best season for each veges, what are of the best use when we do farming. This afternoon, I and my mom became her agriculture pupils and started to harrow our ground.

So..... hopefully, that might be enough reason to allow me to take a hot nice bath and got drunken. :)

Good night!!!

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